
Awareness and Overcoming Challenges

Many people would say that the best traits for success are things like tenacity, grit, and commitment. Although these are super traits to have, the number one success trait is awareness. If you don’t know about something, then you won’t know to learn about it. You can’t know what you don’t know.
For Rafael, this was his biggest challenge. He had humble beginnings living in a trailer with a single mom. He said he didn’t know he was poor and had a lot of love and attention. However, he had a fixed mindset about money. He assumed that if you could make $30K a year, you’d be set. He didn’t understand the potential he had to make money, nor did he understand how much money could be made. This has been his biggest challenge.

Luckily, he had a couple of indirect mentors along the way who showed him there was more to making money than working to fulfill someone else’s dream. When he was a fireman, his captain took him under his wing and talked with him about things he had never experienced. One conversation was around passive income. The idea that money could just come in astounded him. Later, when he worked construction, he had a boss that gave him some blueprints to build out some huge wooden doors. Despite not knowing how to read blueprints, Rafael worked hard and figured it out. He made $9/hour over the course of several months, in the ending making about $4K on the project. He was happy with his wages until he learned that his boss, who did nothing more than draw the design on CAD, sold those doors for $80K.

Listen to the full episode on Spotify or iTunes.
Spotify | https://open.spotify.com/show/6yXy5S5wTyACtghts0RPKz
iTunes | https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/truth-or-comfort/id1445917669

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