Can You Name Your Biggest Real Estate Investing Asset?

Many real estate investors, when asked the question, “What is your biggest real estate investing asset?” often get the answer wrong. They assume that it is money or knowledge. The truth is that it is relationships. That’s because real estate investing is not about property as much as it is about the people involved in […]

Four Tax Secrets Every Real Estate Investor Should Know

One reason that real estate investing is such a good deal is that the IRS has rules that create great opportunities for those holding property. Although everyone knows that you can write off your mortgage interest, here are four additional strategies you may not know that could help you save a bundle. Of course, we […]

Diversifying Your Real Estate Portfolio: The Why and How

  Whenever you hear about investing, you hear the word diversify. Usually, the financial advisor suggests that you don’t put all your eggs in one basket, divvying up your money between stocks, bonds, futures, real estate, and other investment sources. However, diversification is also beneficial when looking exclusively at your real estate investment portfolio. When […]